Initial Post (Blog Information)
Image by Raychel Sanner via Pexels
Greetings dear readers! In this post, I will simply go over all of the basics about what this blog is, as well as the specifics of what kind of content you can expect to see in this blog.
First off, I would like to point out that you can learn a little bit about me by visiting my profile either by clicking on the "Visit Profile" button on the left sidebar of the blog or by simply clicking this link.
Now for more about this blog. This blog is essentially a weekly weather report on various notable weather events that either have occurred within the past week of the publication of a post or are ongoing. Depending on the event, I may also include forecasts from reliable sources so that those living in the areas that are going to be affected by a specific weather event can know what to generally expect in terms of impacts. This will especially be the case if an event may be significant in nature and is potentially life-threatening. But for the most part, this blog will contain simple recaps of weather events that have occurred anywhere in the US. I will also include some form of media in each post so that readers can have a better grasp of the specific weather event(s) discussed in a post visually.
I will allow comments on my posts under two conditions: 1) The comment does not show or express any form of disrespect towards anyone, and 2) The comment is related to the contents of my post (no off-topic discussions, and yes, this includes politics). Anyone who goes against these two rules will have their comment moderated and/or deleted. No exceptions! I encourage readers to post comments so that we can all interact with one another. I have personally learned a great deal about the weather, but I'm sure that there is still so much for me to learn, and that is why I believe it is important to have interactivity within this blog so that both myself and other readers can learn more about how weather works and why it works the way it does.
That is all for now. I look forward to sharing my own passion for weather by keeping all of you informed, and I will begin posting weather-related content the week following this initial post.
Thank you and stay tuned!
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